# Claims assessed 25 per cent faster Go to [[Watson AI is changing how business is done]] or [[Ideas for Newsrooms (LIST)]]. Also see the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] ## Company: Insurance in general Betweena analysing policy data and searching customer histories for reasons not to pay out, there's a lot of scraped data through which to sort. [Watson Explorer](https://www.ibm.com/us-en/marketplace/content-analytics) can search through and make sense of a knowledgebase and make recommendations on whether a claim is eligable and how much should be paid. ## Impact From IBM: Now employees of insurance companies are assessing claims 25% faster. - A customer files a claim. - Employees collect relevant information about the incident. - Employees input this information into their system. - Watson works behind the scenes with employees to help determine claim eligibility and the percentage that should be paid. - Employees use a tab to access Watson’s recommendation and decide how to best proceed with payment. - Employees assess claims more efficiently, saving hours of time each month.